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MTA (SAES) On android?


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Sup guys, i miss so much the whole server and all my friends here, but since i dont have a computer i haven't played. I would like to know if there's a way for playing it on my android... Idk if there are some emulator of Windows for android or if there's some others way, i really miss so much the server. Thanks

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Well, I haven't done a lot of research on the topic but one thing I can say is that it is theoretically possible. I'd suggest you research how to download a Windows XP emulator(since it's the easiest to run) on your phone and then try to download GTA and then MTA. Just keep in mind that your phone has to be powerful after all, you are gonna play only on it.
EDIT: Oh and check if your phone can use USB devices like a keyboard and a mouse. There are some micro/C USB to Normal USB cables that you can use to connect your keyboard and mouse. I'd suggest using this cable together with a USB hub so you can fit all of your devices.

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