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GXT Members: [GXT]Aveyro<Et> [GXT]Cold<SM>
Activity: Delivering Ammunition to the Army : #1 From LS Ammunition #2 From LV Ammunition
Duration: Around 20 Minutes

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GXT Members: [GXT]Aveyro<Et>
Activity: Trucking around SF
Duration: Around 15 Minuntes

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GXT Members: [GXT]Cold<SM> [GXT]Aveyro<Et>
Activity: Re-Fueling SF Gas Sations
Duration: Around 10mins


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~[GXT Members]~(sienna): [GXT*]VenusX
~[Activity]~(sienna): Trucking Around (LV/BC/WH)
~[Duration]~(sienna): Around 30-40 minutes
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GXT Members: Hatchet
Time Taken: 22 minutes
Deliveries: Creek Warehousing to LS Docks and reverse and Creek Warehousing to Linden Station (Total 5 deliveries)


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~[GXT Members]~(sienna): [GXT*]VenusX / ~[Helper]~(sienna) [FBI]DenoX
~[Activity]~(sienna): Trucking Around (SF/LV/RC/WH)
~[Duration]~(sienna): Around 40-50 Minutes

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~[GXT Members]~(sienna): [GXT*]VenusX
~[Activity]~(sienna): Refueling Gas Stations (LV-BC-LS-SF)
~[Duration]~(sienna): Around 30 mins

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~[GXT Members]~(sienna): [GXT*]VenusX
~[Activity]~(sienna): Refueling Gas Stations (Lv/Ls/Fn)
~[Duration]~(sienna): 15 minutes

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~[GXT Members]~(sienna): [GXT*]VenusX
~[Activity]~(sienna): Trucking Around Las Venturas
~[Duration]~(sienna): 20 minutes
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