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Roleplay : 45

@King said in The Company | Activity Feed:

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Roleplay #368
Roleplay with: @Global-Express-Trucking-Company
Participants: King, Chuey, @Reus and @kAsTyA
Story: April 5th, members of The Company still sleeping after nightly turfs. I agreed on a deal yesterday with a transporting company from the San Fierro aka Global Express Trucking which is engaged in the transportation of various cargo. According to the classics of the genre, I asked him to transfer his food in the car in which our weapons were hidden. This morning, I and Maxim sat at the base and drank delicious coffee, and suddenly it dawned on me to call this company to refute our deal. After I dialed them they said they would send a driver to our warehouse whose name was Reus. Going down to the garage with Chuey, started the car and drove to our warehouse where actually we met with Reus. After we explained our scheme of transporting weapons, Reus began smoking and monitoring the situation around while myself and Chuey started loading weapons from the warehouse and loading them into the car. We loaded the car, explained to the driver how to go, Danil drove first and we rode behind, guarded the van. Having already left the city of Las Venturas, we heard a policeman's megalka who asked us to cuddle to the right side, sharpened and drown out the car. Well, here, as usual, polls began, he showed a warrant to inspect the car. He climbed inside the body, he still found a weapon and with a displeased face he asked for a license for the weapon as if knowing that it didnt exist forever. Well, the driver got into the car to distract the cop, supposedly looking for documents at that moment while the cop was standing with his back to me and waiting. Without thinking for a long time, taking out a gun, I shot him directly in the forehead and killed a policeman, hiding the traces of death. The driver was a little scared, because he did not expect such developments, but in the end we arrived at our base and I thanked the driver financially, he, of course, was more than satisfied.
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/V7D5xmj

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Roleplay : 46
Scenario: So it was a nice sunny saturday and I get a call from horrific reapers Motorcycle Club.They said that they wanted some bikes because they were running out of theirs. So I got to work and started my way to where we were going to meet.When I came to thier location we greet eachother and checked out the bikes.Not too long after he payed me how much I wanted and I was off too a great start of the day.

ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/YWOFXVo

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