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Closed Organisation  ·  70 members

Underground Empire

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Ingame name: MetalHead
Ingame username: cembaba331
Previous organizations and leaving causes:
VA = Gang deleted
UE =I disliked some palyers in gang.(Please don't ask me their names)
BS =All Turkish players kicked gang
Define Underground Empire:Underground Empire was founded on June 23, 1886.3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis were former Confederate soldiers.These 3 brothers were tired of life.and they wanted to be rich.They started to make money through arms smuggling , smuggling drugs. And thanks to their own casino, they made a lot of money and became very rich.Thanks to the open casinos, they have won many customers and money.
What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an experienced and highly respected gang I was part of this family and I missed Underground Empire .I want join again and improve myself here. I realized that member of Underground Empire makes me stronger
What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is illegal actions that are organized and organized in a planned manner through criminal organizations and networks.criminal organizations have different purposes. Organized crime have a hierarchical structure, material and financial base and links with state structures based on corruption mechanisms.


Ingame nameJoseFrags:
Ingame username:JoseFrags
Previous organizations and leaving causes:
Hell Soldiers: The leader closed the gang
MI-6: I left because inactivity and got bored playing alone
WA: kicked cause simply adminjail (car abuse)
SAFP:bored of being a cop so I left to join criminals side.
Define Underground Empire: Underground empire is an organised crime group with many connections including simple people to law enforcment and politicians.UE doent have restrictions when it comes to doing busness and UE is active any multiple sectors of criminal activity such as trafficing arms and drugs,doing hitman jobs,influencing the needed people that can affect their busness and last but not least money laundering which is an easy task considering the numerous casinos and other properties UE owns.Moreover,the best and most interesting part is that all of these are done in secrecy so none knows.
What binds you with Underground Empire: Members of Underground Empire are very friendly people and very usefull because they're really good and always ready to play and help. UE is gang for what I can offer my qualities and I'm really loyal to UE. UE is gang with awesome role and I want to be apart of it because it can learn be to be better team player and to listen orders from capos or members with higher rank.
What do you know about organized crime:Well, i beliebe that organized crime is a social group governed by a hierarchical order with members who organize to commict criminal actions. Organized crime is involved in the trafficking of drugs or weapons, money laundering, among other things. Also members of the lower strata should have merit to ascend and show their loyalty to superiors. I know a lot about this subject since in the place where I live these activities are presented a lot.


Ingame name:215|Bencxe
Ingame username:bencxehun

Previous organizations and leaving causes:ICE,TST,this 2 squad was inactive/boring
Define Underground Empire:Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate.It's like La Cosa Nostra "maffia" IRL(in real life)Underground Empire was founded on June 23,1866.The gang has about 12 casinos,Empire was founded by 3 people who came after the civil war.TheY Were: Edward McFarlane,Judah Davis,John Dixon.
What binds you with Underground Empire:Underground Empire members known as hight society-1866.I would like upgrade my experience,in this good,Respectfull,active gang.
What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is involved in the trafficking of drugs or weapons,money,etc..Criminal organizations have different purposes.they can do very big profit,from Drugs,weapons,and etc..


Ingame name:Gelbert
Ingame Username:Gelbert
Previous organizations and leaving causes:CripZ:I left i have problems with HQ / OC: Closed / Z: I left because it's inactive / WA: I get kicked because I am reported / SAFP: I am bored of being a cop So I left to join the Criminal side
Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate that has serious and influential members Also they participate in many secret deals and always remain unnoticed. You can say it's a Mafia, moreover, the gang is Famous with Dealing Drugs Around all San Andreas because they have the best Quality of drugs also they have many roles like Drugs and weapons trafficking, Corrupting politicians also police and money laundering.
What binds you with Underground Empire: I have many friends in this gang and they taught me so much things and i realized that Underground Empire is a gang full of legendary people that makes UE really empire so thats why i want to be in this gang.I have seen many gang members who are classy with their styles and then i notices that is the gang for me. i am a fighter that i can fight for this gang
What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for money and profit. Their enemies are with hard rules and fearless.i don't know too much about organized crime but they must have a captain leader etc..everyone from organized crime group have their own role.They are doing everything to take what they want.


@Resistant313 @Bencxehun @Gelbert
Pending. Hang around UE members during the next week.

Pending results:

Accepted. Nice activity and maturity shown, welcome.

Accepted. Good to see when old members come back.

Denied. We have not seen you ingame quite long.

The rest are still under review.


Ingame name: 215|Oldirtylegend
ingame username: Oldirtylegend

Previous organizations and leaving causes: none

Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is criminal organization connected to the high society.Which are known to the public as counsilmen ,busnessmen and politicians. They are all involved in the gang activity of weapon & drug trafficking ,money laundring ,corrupting politicians and Contact killing. Which are all done for a profit first for the gangs prestige and influence and its members as a whole.

What binds you with Underground Empire: I have been a member of Saes for quite some time, and i have realy enojoyed hanging and helping UE with their BR,turf. Or try out the newest GR which was added recently.

What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a all about teamwork activity which includes a couple or more groups of people. Organized in gangs which all have gang leaders and they have their inside promoted captains to lead a specific crew of people assinged to is disposal. Which is all about following instructions that has been given by the supperiors and working together as a team,to achieve a good cooperative understanding of how a gang must work together as team, so they could achieve their personal goal.


the name of the game:
215 | Gary

Username in the game:

Previous organizations and outgoing causes:
Define Underground Empire:
The EU was founded on June 23, 1866 by 3 men: John Dixon, Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis.
The EU Roleplay is related to: arms trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, contract murder and corruption of politicians and police.
The EU buys weapons from trustworthy criminal groups. The necessary amount of weapons goes to the needs of the gang, others are sold for profit.
A popular method used by EU is money laundering. They are converting dirty money into chips in one of the EU's own casinos.

What unites you with Underground Empire:
Members of the EU known as "high society people" since 1866. I would like to expand my experience in SAES by joining a respective gang and I am also linked to the EU by my Criminal Role.

What do you know about organized crime?
Organized crime is a form of criminality characterized by stable criminal activities carried out by criminal organizations that have a hierarchical structure, a material and financial base and connections with state structures based on corruption mechanisms.

I hope you like it


Ingame name: 215|Nippy
Ingame username: emrecik
Previous organizations and leaving causes:
ICE: I'm leaved because im bored from policing.
Define Underground Empire:Underground Empire was founded on June 23, 1886.3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis were former Confederate soldiers.These 3 brothers were tired of life.and they wanted to be rich.They started to make money through arms smuggling , smuggling drugs. And thanks to their own casino, they made a lot of money and became very rich.Thanks to the open casinos, they have won many customers and money.
What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an experienced and highly respected gang.And I believe I belong here.I want to improve myself here.I will organize many events for the Underground Empire.I believe that you will do good work here.And that's why I want to join the Underground Empire.
What do you know about organized crime:Organized crime is illegal actions that are organized and organized in a planned manner through criminal organizations and networks.criminal organizations have different purposes. While mafia-like structures are the primary purpose, terrorist organizations have political aims and they organize criminal acts to provide money.


Ingame name: Andre
Ingame username: Mazgou123
Previous organizations and leaving causes:
MI-6, I left it because inactivity
FBI left it because I want to be in the gang side
B~B kicked, because I got a problem in my current account password, and I played with another account and I joined a squad on that account ( I can explain more ingame, if is it possible )
Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded in June 23 in 1866 by 3 men called John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis They have have a very corrupt police and politicians, the roles of this mafia are weapons and drugs trafficking, money laundering, and contract killing.
What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is one of the most active gangs in the server, and one of the most respected gangs, I like the role, I also got some friends on UE and I'd like to be an UE member.
What do you know about organized crime: I got a good experiance on the periode that I spent on B~B and I also learnt how to teamwork as a gang member and I also know all the gang rules.


Ingame name: 215|Mr.DarK
Ingame username: hasaki227
Previous organizations and leaving causes: ICE = inactive players and many noobs / RKMC = noob leader and no stratgie / VLA = dead
Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. It's like La Cosa Nostra. Difference is that UE doesn't have ethnic limits (Like LCN and Russian mobs do). Also, it has politicians who are not just associated but who are part of it. Some of the members of UE are high society members who on the ground are known as businessmen, politicians etc... Underground everything's different
What binds you with Underground Empire: its one of the best GANGS its active friendly and helpful and i got invited to join :)
what do you know about organized crime: Is a group of criminal networks based on criminal activities under the leadership of criminal organizations such as: gangs, groups of the organization ... and have a hierarchical structure, financial base and links with the rest of the state structures


Ingame name: Danger
Ingame username: luuucian
Previous organizations and leaving causes: Wa kicked (adminjail) CDC Left Inactive members
Define Underground Empire: Well, UE is known for many things, that include: Weapon Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Corrupting Politicians and Police and last but not least Contract Killing. But that is not all, they are an old mafia syndicate that is most active around Las Venturas since they own all of the casinos located there. They also deliver the best drugs all around San Andreas.
What binds you with Underground Empire: Mainly the role, I have been into Mafia and that gang life, always. Well, when I started SAES I thought to join UE but I was not good enough for it, but now I am back and better than ever. The gang is also super active and the history of it is just thrilling.
What do you know about organized crime: Well there are many steps to an organized crime syndicate. The members in it must be well taught and should have high discipline. The gang needs to do things stealthy and make the most out of what they have done. Also, mistakes will happen never or barely since everything must be so organized and strict. People must do good teamwork also, teamwork is key to everything.


Ingame name: UrBan
Ingame Username: Halloween741
Previous organizations and leaving causes:
WA: Problems with members
CDC: Inactivity gang
Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. The difference is that Underground Empire doesn't have ethnic limits also they have really strong brotherhood to keep each-other backs without fear. Some gang members are part of a high society that is known as politicians and businessmen. As a one man says Underground everything's different

What binds you with Underground Empire: I have many friends in this gang and they taught me so many things and I realized that Underground Empire is a gang full of legendary people that makes UE really empire so that's why I want to be in this gang. I have seen many gang members who are classy with their styles and then I notice that is the gang for me. I am a fighter that I can fight for this gang

What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for money and profit. Their enemies are with hard rules and fearless.i don't know too much about organized crime but they must have a captain leader etc..everyone from organized crime group have their own role. They are doing everything to take what they want.


Ingame name: UrBan
Ingame Username: Halloween741
Previous organizations and leaving causes:
WA: Problems with members
CDC: Inactivity gang
Define Underground Empire:
It's an organized crime syndicate with high society members, such as politicians and businessman.. they also have multiples jobs like weapons and drugs trafficking, money laundering and contract killing, that makes Underground Empire a different organization than others.. it helps them to become rich faster than others.
What binds you with Underground Empire: What connects me to Underground Empire is, not only it's success and the sense of leadership and maturity that every member has, but how quick they can build a friendship with players around the server. Being around the organization makes you feel safe and protected and it's pretty clear of how united and skilled the gang is when in turf wars.
What do u know about Organized Crime: Organized crime is when some team, with their leader, which is the last word ... does the job... Usually, is that happening in criminal because of money making. For any action you want to accomplish, you have to get rid of people, training is the most important because without training you will end up lost and the whole action can be detected. That is why it is important to have the job done with as little evidence as possible and witnesses.


alt text
Ingame name: Hannibal (my ex-name is Bosk)

Ingame username: bosk

Previous organizations and leaving causes:

RDMC - I wanted to join a more criminalized gang.

B~B - I wanted to join a gang that does make bank robberies etc.

SAPA - I wanted to join the cop side.

TST - I wanted to expand my cop side experience.

FBI/NNB - Same as above.

SoA/Organization Zero/MMC/TT - I left cop side and started bitching with other gangs.

In the last part of my career i was FBI but i left from there also, now I wanna join UE and stay loyal there,
I'm bored to go around and around

Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded on June 23 by 3 men after civil war, nothing left for them so they decided to get rich. Their criminal activities began with corrupt politicians. After all they decided to expand so they met new people. In middle line of success the most of Underground Empire members went to war, many of them didn't came back, meanwhile the rest of UE's had war with local gangs, the alive UE's went at prison. After the government announce their fallen(1974). Many years later they were revived again. The official revive was in 2013 announced FBI.

What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a well organized gang, which they are very respectful and experienced, i would like to join because i'm experienced person on SAES and i would like to expand my experience with such persons like you. But still the main reason is the RP role and it fits me

What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a nonideological enterprise involving a number of persons in close social interaction, organized on a hierarchical basis, with at least three levels/ranks, for the purpose of securing profit and power by engaging in illegal and legal activities. Positions in the hierarchy and positions involving functional specialization may be assigned on the basis of kinship or friendship, or rationally assigned according to skill. The positions are not dependent on the individuals occupying them at any particular time. Permanency is assumed by the members who strive to keep the enterprise integral and active in pursuit of its goals. It eschews competition and strives for monopoly on an industry or territorial basis. There is a willingness to use violence and/or bribery to achieve ends or to maintain discipline. Membership is restricted, although nonmembers may be involved on a contingency basis. There are explicit rules, oral or written, which are enforced by sanctions that include murder.

Im not active theese days, sorry for that its cause of work.


Ingame name: Max
Ingame username: Flix52
Previous organizations and leaving causes: No.
Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. Difference is that Underground Empire doesn't have ethnic limits also they have really strong brotherhood to keep each-other backs without fear.Some gang members are part of a high society that are known as politicians and businessmen. As a one man says Underground everything's different
What binds you with Underground Empire: UE Members known as "people from high society" since 1866. I Would like to expand my experience in SAES joining a respectfull Gang and also I'm binded with UE by my Criminal Role.
What do you know about organized crime:Organized crime is absolutly a great thingAt first it's about planing and getting ready, well without planing and organizing nothing will go as we want it depends on the team work the maturity and especially the loyalty which oblige you to work like in a family like a real mafia membre. Adding to that organized crime is to get money or to do your mission carefully,cleanly,silently and the most important thing without leaving any evidences behind that's to decrease the chances of being a suspect or caught.

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