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banning drugs (SPEED)


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The purpose of drugs is to have fun with it for example you can spend some nice time jumping around, like a human frog when you are boosted with weed or get those LSD effects banging up and be like wow.
We can not say that about speed it only destroys the balance between the cop and crimnal side, it also makes the need of skill less mandatory, and puts the need of money on top for a gameplay where you win.

Edit the game with-out speed would be funnier and better, skill vs skill.

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hello guys

as a inactive player tbh removing speed or drugs in general i'll prolly just quit the server for good.

driving around on speed with lsd is awesome :) and why i started playing again :D

oh, and if cops have speed or a alternative they'll be like attack dogs just running at you like the flash and 1 hit ur jailed good bye!

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