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AdemBygt's LWS Events


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^[Welcome, I will post my activities for LWS in here!]

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  • About me

Greetings, my name is Adem I'm reading in the IT department at the high school in Turkey. I have been playing for 5 years in my saes career for 3 years with friends only for fun and then I stopped playing.When I started playing again this year, I got into CripZ and I'm trying to get into the bands that attract my attention. I am always listening to music and I like to communicate with people and help them. I usually spend most of my day in saes and I think I'm the most active player in these days.

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  • Why I want to join LWS?

Hi, I'm Adem. I've been playing saes for 5 years and I'm trying to improve myself by entering groups. LWS is one of the best bands in Saes and it attracts everyone's attention. Here I will share the events I made to enter lws. The reason I want to enter LWS I want to contact people and help them.

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Total number of hosted events: 108
Total money spent on events: 261.000.000$

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Total number of Helping Events As Worker: 26

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Event Format

^[![alt text](http://i.imgur.com/uzIG4.png)]
**Event** #
**Event Type:**
**LWS/G6 Helper(s):**

![alt text](http://i.imgur.com/b7vQb.png)

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