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Donation: Santoss (Amount 50.00 GBP)


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TXN ID: 2CP912378B479291D

Donation Amount: 50.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

All cars will be placed at TBD base,
alt text

Vehicle Type: Damaged Glendale
Vehicle Colour:#b847cc (all colors also light and wheels and secundairy.)
Specify any upgrades: Atomic wheels, 10x Nitro NO HYDRAULICS!
Usernames to lock: (badass123)

Vehicle Type: Landstaker
Vehicle Colour:#b847cc (all colors also light and wheels and secundairy.)
Specify any upgrades: Atomic wheels, 10x Nitro NO HYDRAULICS! ~[WEED WRAP]~(lime)
Usernames to lock: (badass123)

Vehicle Type: Sultan
Vehicle Colour:#b847cc (all colors also light and wheels and secundairy.)
Specify any upgrades: Atomic wheels, 10x Nitro NO HYDRAULICS! ~[WEED WRAP]~(lime)
Usernames to lock: (badass123)

Vehicle Type: Shamal
Vehicle Colour:#b847cc (all colors also light and wheels and secundairy.)
Specify any upgrades: None
Usernames to lock: (badass123)
Where you want it placed: SF Airport

5mil Ingame cash

SF house interior (will show ingame)

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