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Donation: mimyy (Amount 20.00 GBP)


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TXN ID: 4XW65150NN743253L

Donation Amount: 20.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Cheetah and SuperGT
Vehicle Colour: Cheetah dark red , SuperGT-black and blue (second color)
Specify any upgrades:
Usernames to lock: (mimyy,strr3t,)
Where you want it placed:

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.

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Hej @mimyy,
First of all thanks for donation, money in-game awarded.

Added following vehicles as requested:

  • SuperGT locked to "mimyy,strr3t"

  • Bullet locked to "mimyy,strr3t"

Also added small interior number 7 to the "las_colinas_40" property in LS.


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