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Donation: GirlyPrimis (Amount 50.00 GBP)


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TXN ID: 7JS1126134023813E

Donation Amount: 50.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Leviathan
Vehicle Colour: 372b27
Usernames to lock: GirlyPrimis, taj125, zaid2015, aiman13
Where you want it placed: LV Airport

Vehicle Type: Shamal
Vehicle Colour: 372b27
Usernames to lock: GirlyPrimis, taj125, zaid2015, aiman13
Where you want it placed: LV Airport + Icon please

Vehicle Type: Maverick
Vehicle Colour: 372b27
Usernames to lock: GirlyPrimis, taj125, zaid2015, aiman13
Where you want it placed: LV Airport

Vehicle Type: FBI Truck (The one that looks like the watercannon but without cannon ontop)
Vehicle Colour: 372b27
Fully Upgraded with Nitro (and Motor if possible)
Usernames to lock: GirlyPrimis, taj125, zaid2015, aiman13
Where you want it placed: LVPD

Vehicle Type: FBI Rancher (no lightbar)
Vehicle Colour: 372b27
Fully Upgraded with Nitro (and Motor if possible)
Usernames to lock: GirlyPrimis, yuriko5316, bluelive122, zelozed2
Where you want it placed: LVPD

CIA Squad level raised to level 2

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Hey there! Thanks for your donation! :)

Money reward of 5,000,000$ sorted.

Already added to donator group in-game.

Added 1 Leviathan at LV's airport here as requested locked to "GirlyPrimis,taj125,zaid2015,aiman13" and owned by "GirlyPrimis". If you want a donation/spawn icon at it contact a SAHA member, please.

Added 1 Shamal at LV's airport here as requested locked to "GirlyPrimis,taj125,zaid2015,aiman13" and owned by "GirlyPrimis". If you want a donation/spawn icon at it contact a SAHA member, please.

Added 1 Maverick at LV's airport here as requested locked to "GirlyPrimis,taj125,zaid2015,aiman13" and owned by "GirlyPrimis". If you want a donation/spawn icon at it contact a SAHA member, please.

Added 1 FBI Truck at LVPD here as requested locked to "GirlyPrimis,taj125,zaid2015,aiman13" and owned by "GirlyPrimis".

Added 1 FBI Rancher at LVPD here as requested locked to "GirlyPrimis,yuriko5316,bluelive122,zelozed2" and owned by "GirlyPrimis".

For your 50.00 GBP donation you can also request 1 large interior for 1 of your properties or you can request 2 small interiors for 2 of your properties. Click here for more information. Contact a SAHA member to sort this, please.

Have a good day!

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