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Closed Organisation  ·  61 members

Cuban Cars

Employee Portfolio: HasomY

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Nickname: HasomY
Account name: hasomy12
Age: 17
Country of residence: Sudan
Time spent in Cuban Cars(~): Since 2016
Current role (Mechanic, Impounder, Mentor): Mecanico
Roleplay Name (If used, else leave blank): Sam Davidson
Current Journey in Cuban Cars (min. 100 words):I joined Cuban Cars in 2016 via recruitment. Been a mecanico since then. I got removed for inactivity in 2018 and i got reinvited again this year in july. Now am just patrolling and fixing cars around San Andreas and so far i've been enjoying it. I would also love to be an impounder in the future and be more active.

  • 4 weeks later...

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Participants: N/A
Date: 24-9-2019
Actions Taken: Patrol and mechanical services
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VniIKpi
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Event Type: Towtruck DD
LWS/G6: C|Brooks
Participants: N/A
Prize(s): 1M
Winner(s): LE>Homeless
Date: 24/9/2019
Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/7hq69Wy.jpg
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