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TXN ID: 2TJ148058B210270F

Donation: 30.00 GBP

Requested rewards: Police Car (Crown Victoria), S.W.A.T Tank and (Police Rancher) All in the white color. Location of the Vehicles: SAPA Base

Please edit this post and add your requested rewards

NOTE: The people allowed to enter the vehicles are NH4, Tut, and Zeking.


Police LS in all white placed at SAPA based, locked to elpendejo,tut,nh4,zeking

SWAT added, all white, locked to elpendejo,tut,nh4,zeking

Police Rancher, also SAPA base in white, locked to elpendejo,tut,nh4,zeking

Money rewarded by @master

Already on donator spawn

Thanks for donating ))


TXN ID: 2TJ148058B210270F
Donation: 30.00
Requested rewards: Crown Victoria, S.W.A.T Tank, and a Police Rancher all white-green. (NOTE: I will use them until I get my pc diplomat.)
Vehicle: Car
Location: LVPD
Locked: nh4, tut, zeking.


Added 1 Crown Victoria, 1 S.W.A.T. Tank and 1 Police Ranger at LVPD here as requested all locked to "elpendejo,nh4,tut,zeking" and owned by "elpendejo" (you).

@Tut-Greco @ElPendejoN


@RAMPAGE, the Crown Victoria shouldn't be like this https://gyazo.com/814e1baf590504bc4faf9cbb48d3157c
It should be like this
The lights above should be there. But they are not there, so please can you fix that?

Change the colors of the three vehicles to the colors of the crown victoria of the Underground to be at least almost equal. Because the color as you see before is very clear and does not seem realistic.

--There the difference between them

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