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Hello all, I've made a discord server to use as a vehicle market place.
The Server is using a bot called Auction Bot which makes it easy to check what cars are for sale or what people are looking for.

Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/JMxbZZ9

Making a listing:

Use >sell [VehicleName] [Price]
(Example: >sell Caddy 50000)

After using this command you will get the option to add aditional information
(Do not type > but make sure to add : otherwise this will not work)

  • Desc: This is the description of the vehicle so here you can add what upgrades the vehicle has
    (for example: desc: AWD, v8, Nitro x 10)

  • Category: Category for the vehicle you want to sell , please add this every time you make a listing and use the name of the car as the category as well so people can look for all vehicles in that category
    (for example: category: Caddy)

  • Note: This is just a message that will be sent to the person that buys your vehicle

After adding the properties you just have finish placing your order by typing submit and it will go into the

Editting a listing:

Use >edit [code] [property] [changes] to edit one of your listings
Properties when editting a listing:

  • Price: Price you want for the vehicle

  • Amount: irrelevant

  • Description: Type what upgrade the vehicle has

  • Image: Does not seem to be working properly

  • Note: Message to the buyer

  • UnitCost: irrelevant

  • Increment: irrelevant

  • Reserve: irrelevant

  • Buyout: irrelevant

  • Currency: irrelevant

  • Category: Add the name of the vehicle to make sure people can find it when looking for a certain category

List of commands: (use > in front of these commands to make them work on discord)

  • sell [item] [price] - Add an item to the market

  • buy [code] -Buy an item using the item code

  • edit [code] [property] [changes] - Edit an item using the item code

  • view item [code] - View the details of an item using the item code

  • view market [category] - View all items for the specified category (this is why it's handy to add the car name as category)

  • sales alert - Receive a DM when your item is sold

  • sales deal [code] [new price] - Discount the value of an item using the item code

  • sales profile [user mention] - View the mentioned users sales profile

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