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Part I:

How much have you donated for the server? 130 pounds

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 25th of february

Why do you need to change the location: adding donations that were removed due to my inactivity

Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/52139-donation-dufabo1900-amount-2000/

Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6634/dufabo-s-rewards-changes

Part II: What I Want to be Removed
All 13 vehicles were removed already

What you want to be adden

Vehicle#1,2,3: Police dodges (x2) and S.W.A.T. Tank
Usernames; dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345
Location: LVPD https://imgur.com/a/AlMrbUH
Updates: black color,nitro x10

Vehicle#4,5: Police dodge and turismo with police sirens
Usernames : dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345,johnturner,buddler
Location: FBI Base https://imgur.com/a/RxGSbWd
Updates: black color,nitro x10

Vehicle#6,7,8: Police dodges(x2) and S.W.A.T. Tank
Usernames: dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345
Location : LSPD https://imgur.com/a/GlbSjy8
Updates: black color,nitro x10

Vehicle#9,10: Shamal (x2)
Usernames: dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345,johnturner
Location : LSA and LVA https://imgur.com/a/5XZQTAd
Updates: Black color

Vehicle 11: police dodge
Usernames: dufabo1900
Location : BCPD https://imgur.com/a/SZ6pNN9
Updates: black color,nitro x10

Also i'd like to request 2 wraps for cars (request posted by following link)


Added 3 Police Dodges at LVPD here as requested locked to "dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345" and owned by "dufabo1900" (you). I didn't add a S.W.A.T. Tank as it's an armored vehicle with water weapon and it's not allowed as donation. Added a Police Dodger instead. If you want another vehicle as donation instead let me know and I'll change it.

Added 1 Police Dodger and 1 Turismo with police sirens at FBI's base here as requested locked to "dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345,johnturner,buddler" and owned by "dufabo1900" (you).

Added 3 Police Dodges at LSPD here as requested locked to "dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345" and owned by "dufabo1900" (you). I didn't add a S.W.A.T. Tank as it's an armored vehicle with water weapon and it's not allowed as donation. Added a Police Dodger instead. If you want another vehicle as donation instead let me know and I'll change it.

Added 2 Shamals at LSA and LVA here as requested locked to "dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345,johnturner" and owned by "dufabo1900" (you). If you want a donation/spawn icon, contact a SAHA member.

Added 1 Police Dodger at BCPD here as requested locked to "dufabo1900" and owned by "dufabo1900" (you).

"Also i'd like to request 2 wraps for cars (request posted by following link): https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/11". Wait for your 2 custom requested wraps to be added to the server and once that's it's done I'll add them to the 2 donations for yours that you want.


The police turismo is classed as a custom shader therefore u are only eligible for 1 more custom shader or 2 basic or 1 car.


wraps are live now. please specify on which vehicles you'd like which wraps placed (dufaboMil and dufaboCop respectively)

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