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xDarkMan's LWS Events


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^[alt text]
Informations about me :


My name is Elyas, I am 18 years old, I'm Algerian. I started playing video games since I was 4 years or 3. So, I started playing on SAES:RPG on 2017 or the last months of 2016, I am very interested to join LWS because I want to make people happy and bring new event types and make it funny . and because the people are bored from the old types.

Event Format:

![alt text](http://i.imgur.com/uzIG4.png)
***E**~[vent number]~(lime)* :
***E**~[vent Type]~(lime)* :
***P**~[rize]~(lime)* :
***L**~[WS Helper]~(lime)* :
***W**~[inner(s)]]~(lime)* :
***S**~[creenshots]~(lime)* :

New events ideas

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