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Donation: Santoss (Amount 50.00 GBP)


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TXN ID: 1GG04403KK615342V

Donation: 50.00 GBP

Requested rewards:

5mil ingame

Turismo locked to "badass123,jaycee2015,mitozo,Recklezz" with "meme1" wrap

Savanna locked to"badass123,jaycee2015,mitozo,Recklezz" with "hacker" wrap

Super GT locked to "badass123,jaycee2015,mitozo,Recklezz" with "weed" wrap

Please edit this post and add your requested rewards

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Hello @Santoss thanks for donating, money & donator group in-game given for "badass123",

  • Turismo locked to "badass123,jaycee2015,mitozo,Recklezz" with "meme1" wrap

  • Savanna locked to"badass123,jaycee2015,mitozo,Recklezz" with "hacker" wrap

  • Super GT locked to "badass123,jaycee2015,mitozo,Recklezz" with "weed" wrap

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