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Donations - Recruitment - Ban Appeals


  1. Server Donations

    SAES:RPG relies on donations to keep our dedicated server going, paying for any software subscriptions/renewals and our domain names running.

    Your donation lets us 'keep the lights on' and keep your favourite server going!

  2. SAES Clan Recruitment

    Posting your interest here and playing often on our server may result in a place in SAES.

    You cannot directly post in this category. To register your interest, please use the following form:


  3. Ban Appeals and Reports

    Got banned from a SAES Server? Appeal here! You will also see any open ban appeals you have here.

    You cannot post directly in this forum category, to appeal your ban, please use the following form:


    This forum is private, only you and members of the SAES team can see your ban appeal.

    Please remember to act in a mature manner.

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