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Posts posted by Ramby

  1. Involved SAI members: J.Drenth (Ramby), Andrei_Petrov( @Anas_ )

    Other involved people:

    Date, time and duration of activity: 26/01/2019, 25 minutes.
    Activity type: Traffic control, on the look-out for speeding, reckless driving, endangering another vehicle.
    Me and my partner were on patrol, we where heading for Los Santos. when suddenly a yellow car at the opposite lane came straight towards at an enourmous speed. We performed an U-turn, turned or sirens on and started the pursuit. The driver noticed us and pulled his car over at the correct side of the road. We had a little talk with the driver about his performance in traffic and asked for his identification. It turned out that he did not have his ID with him, so we decided to take him with us to the station for some further questioning, and check out his fingerprints to get some confirmation about his identity. My partner did the questioning, and I searched the licenseplate of the suspect in our database. It turned out that the car had been spotted in a race event. After we confronted the suspect with this information, he attempted to bribe us. We declined. We decided to keep the suspect injail and let him wait for his trial in court.




  2. alt text
    alt text
    Me and my partner started our patrol from National Narcotic Bureau. We started the engine of the police maverick and flew up to an altitude of 3000 feet. When we reached our desired altitude, my companion spotted a cargo plane flying at a low level altitude.

    We decided to follow the plane and watch his manoeuvres. The plane kept flying at a low altitude and reached his destination. When the plane landed on Los Santos International, we turned the microphone on and demanded the pilot to turn of his engine and step out of the plane.

    My companion got out first and secured the situation. after that, I joined him to ask the pilot some questions. First I introduced myself and I asked the pilot for some personal documents and his freight list. While I was checking out the paperwork, my companion checked out the plane for some undesired products. The paperwork checked out fine and my companion did not find anything illegal on the plan.

    We elaborated the situation to the pilot and explained our next steps with him. We brought the pilot to Los Santos Police Department, where we withdraw his pilots license for 2 weeks.





    Thanks for participating @Stay @Lincoln


  3. When there are more or around 200 people on SAES, try to have a conversation in mainchat or even in localchat. I couldn't care less about people typing shit that has nothing to do with me personally. By seperating chats or switching it off, it will have a possitive effect on flooding of the chat and the foreign language spam in it. This will result is less mutes and less conficts. Eventually this will result in less work for admins aswell.


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