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Posts posted by lazar_

  1. alt text
    Roleplay type: 904A
    Description of Roleplay: A Military train got off the track and it was all over the area. It had seemed to contain highly explosive materials, so we reached as fast as possible and tried to control it. After many efforts, it had seemed it had cooled down. We had an EMT on hold so that he could provide us with injuries. The train also had a part sticking from the tracks, we took care of it and got it down safely.
    Participants: @Ammarr @Glayd @Nord @Alessio @Element @Pandashi @lazar_ @Henry @jordskjelv

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4luLdgq

    • Like 2
  2. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic:  

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Last month


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: Infernus
    Vehicle 2: Cheetah
    Vehicle 3: Buffalo

    Location: 7//11s East lv Shop

    Interior:  N/A


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Cheetah with wrap gaymen
    Vehicle 2: Infernus with hippie wrap
    Vehicle 3: Bullet with wrap kingfeuer_2

    Location: 2_river_street 

    Username: kingfeuer

    Interior: N/A

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