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Posts posted by Leonard

  1. imma keep it short as possible Cops doesnt pay any much effort to recruit ppl, as crime and gang member ppl go to SR and roll around for new ppl they teach them the game and then they recruit them rather than cop when he see a newbie he taze him and arrest him lowkey so yeah i think cops should communicate with new people and try to teach them, dont you think that people are coming to us like that but we really do recruitement day in and night out and thats why you see nobody in copside its just laziness of cop members to recruit those ppl nothing come in handy and if you pay attention most new players join crimeside before they come to copside so basicly most copside are either game vets or ppl who were a cop in other server and they joined saes to continue what they been doing

    And another thing is The copside isnt a challenging as crimes, we crime put alot of effort to learn and to fight but copside is just boring all you gotta do is taze and hit with nightstick or in BR just grab ur m4 and spread the crowd thats all and i think you should involve the cops in turfs too so you can atleast give it lil push but for me i tried to play as cops and i found out that cop side is super easy for crime

  2. @jokerulty said in Bank Robbery Stats - March Edition!:

    "TL:DR; Bank Robberies success decreased by only 0.35%. Amount of BR's dropped from 393 in February to 315 in March, baring in mind there are 3 more days in March."

    Their excuse for the new updates was "we want to decrease the sucess rate of BRs" sucess rate still the same but -78 brs 200000 IQ moves.

    they dont know difference between amount of BR's and success rate bro

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