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Posts posted by Matthews

  1. Involved SAI members: Riley Crimson
    Other involved people: Jimmy Ophelan ( Fluid )
    Date, time and duration of activity: 08/12/2019 ~30 minutes
    Activity type: Speedcam deployment
    Activity Details: After the lunch time Jimmy.Ophealen and we went to LV-LS high way to deploy a speedcam since there were some crashes and reports. After some time, we caught several citizens that exceeds the speed limit. We have dealt with the penalties and then went back to the SAi HeadQuarters.

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3x4Dq6V

  2. Involved SAI members: Riley_Crimson ( Myself )
    Responsible SAI Teams involved: HSPD
    Date, time and duration of activity: 30-11-19, 35 minutes
    Activity type: Routine speedcam check
    Activity Details: After a lot of car crashes in LV-LS highway, SAi High speed pursuit division decided to place several speedcams on the road. After the check ups made on the citizens of SA, some of them paid necesarry fees and some of them punished with a temporary custodies. Also some drunk drives found and necesarry transactions are made by the SAi Troopers.


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  3. Involved SAI members: Riley Crimson ( SPTU-016 )
    Other involved people: Other law enforcement forces
    Date, time and duration of activity: 25-11-2019 & 20 minutes
    Activity type: Prevenition of a state bank robbery
    Activity Details: After the call from the COMMS, SPTU unit member Riley Crimson went to Tierra Robada bank to unite the other law enforcements. After the tough combat between the gang members, police has successfully stopped the bank robbery made by the Mongols Motorcycle Club. After that, SPTU unit member Crimson went back to SAi Headqueartes to future calls.



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  4. Involved SAI members: Riley Crimson, Calvin Perez (@Markus )
    Other involved people: Rasta
    Date, time and duration of activity: 24-11-2019 & 25 minutes
    Activity type: Road block
    Activity Details: We have deployed a road block to LV-LS high way due to a call from unknown resource. We have started to make routine checks both on the vehicles and citizens. By the time, we haven't detected anything wrong and dealt with the minor penalties.



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