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Posts posted by Kast


    Your server login-name, server nickname and forum name : kAstYa, Kastya, kAsTyA
    How long have you been playing on the server : I joined SAES in early 2017.
    Have you ever been a member of a Criminal Gang or Organisation : Yes, I have.
    Have you ever been in a Police Organisation before on SAES or another server : I am currently a member of S.W.A.T.
    Do you already have PC Qualification (Procops Access) : That's what I'm working towards.
    Have you read the SAPA application and training Process : Yes, I have.
    Why do you want to be a SAPD Server Police Officer : I wish to become better and improve my skills in-game (such as roleplay).
    What unit within SAPD would you like to join after training (like SWAT, FBI, etc) : I am a member of S.W.A.T. and have no intention of changing squads after my training.
    Do you have Discord : kAsTyA#1010
    Your age : 17
    Your location : Estonia
    Explain the concept of "Role play", what do you think that means for a police officer in-game : Playing out certain situations as if it would be real-life. Always staying in character.
    Rate your English skills from 1-10 : 8
    Have you ever been adminjailed or banned from the server: I have not been banned, but I was adminjailed recently. I have learnt from it and can assure, that it will never happen again.

    PART II - Rules for Patrol [X = PICK A LAW FROM THE 10 LAWS]

    With your own words, Explain law 1 : Follow the rules or face the consequences. Deathmatching players for no reason is punishable. Read and follow all rules within F1<Rules. Also, do not rage or insult anyone, if someone kills you, steals your car or anything similar. That won't help you in anyway.
    With your own words, Explain law 2 : Read and follow all rules within /squad<Rules. Also, act professional, not like some trainee, that starts crying as soon as he doesn't like something. Always attempt to roleplay, no matter the situation. SAPA spawn isn't for arrests, it is mostly for roleplaying and improving.
    With your own words, Explain law 3 : You are not allowed to arrest low wanted players (1 - 3 wanted stars) as long as they don't possess a threat to you or anyone else around you. However, you may offer them roleplay to get rid of their wanted stars. If the criminal refuses to roleplay, just simply ignore them. Think smart, there is no way you can arrest a criminal, if he is sniping from a tall roof or a building. You are allowed to kill this player. Do not camp hospital for arrests nor in events. If a player avoids arrest by going into a event. Don't rage in mainchat nor go in the event and attempt to arrest this player. Place a marker on this player and wait patiently for the event to end.
    With your own words, Explain law 4 : Always attempt to roleplay, no matter of the amount of wanted stars on this particular player. If the player is refusing to RP, warn this player by using your binds, but don't spam them. When giving him the last warning, wait for a reaction before engaging.

  2. alt text
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    I. Personal Info

    In-game Name: kastya
    Username / Account-name: kAstYa
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B1
    Nationality: Estonian
    Languages Spoken: English and Estonian
    Average Ping: 70-90
    Average FPS: 50-60
    Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, my name is Rando. I am a 17-year-old male, that is studying construction in college. In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and playing video games, such as MTA and CS:GO. I would describe myself as calm and loyal.

    II. In-Game Experience

    When did you join the server: I don't know the exact date, but I would say around 4 years ago. Although, I am currently playing on my new account, the previous one got lost.
    How much do you play each day: Around 3 hours a day.
    Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: UE and The Outfit
    Name the reason(s) for leaving: I was kicked from UE for breaking a turf rule. I left The Outfit, 'cause it wasn't as fun for me as it was in the beginning.
    Current group memberships: N/A
    If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes.
    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): N/A
    Name the reasons why you received these punishments: N/A

    III. Personal skills and knowledge

    Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

    Your strengths: I am a quick learner and willing to do teamwork.
    Your weaknesses: I do not operate at my best under pressure.
    Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I want to join S.W.A.T., because it is the most respected squad and I want to be a part of that.
    Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I am a loyal player that respects his superiors. I have also had some experience playing as a law enforcement officer.
    Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): It is a peaceful morning as a bunch of criminals have taken hostages in the local cafe. S.W.A.T. gets called and they deploy near-by. Law enforcement officer decides to attack through the back, as it would be the smartest way to approach. Officers gear up with the required equipment and proceed to get ready. They begin breaching the door, using a door ram. They rush in and deploy a flashbang, while yelling at them to lower their weapons or be put down. Most of them surrender, but one decides to strike back. S.W.A.T. officer spots the criminal reaching for his firearm and fires 3 shots in his chest, putting the criminal down. When they're sure the situation is handled, they cuff the perpetrators and escort them away from the scene. All the hostages remain unharmed, due to S.W.A.T. officers being trained to handle such situations.

  3. In-game nickname: kAsTyA
    In-game username: kAsTyA
    Your real name: Rando
    Age: 16
    Nationality: Estonian
    Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Yes.
    Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: EloThAm and King
    What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? Activity and loyalty.
    Additional information about yourself: I'm a 16-year-old male, who's studying construction at school.

    Past experience in SAES:RPG.
    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): 3 years, however, the recorded time is on a another account, which I can no longer access.
    What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): UE- was there about a month
    Why have you left the above?: I was kicked for breaking a turf rule.
    What server groups are you currently a part of?: None
    Previous server bans and reasons (include links): I've never been banned before.

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