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Posts posted by Jay

  1. The mods are great, they add a sense of realism to the game... minis the Buffalo/R34 handling hhhhhh. I'm only hopeful that cars such as the Sultan can be worked on with keeping the customization options as well, as nobody uses that car anymore and forget that it used to be the most popular car in the server.

    If anything I think cars need to be slowed down, dont see why we need cars to go as fast as they do, cars like the cheetah, hotring and police cars are insane.

    But yeah, more mods pls.

  2. @Filex said in Command to restart race script ig:

    @Jay said in Command to restart race script ig:

    Or perhaps request for it to be fixed?

    Why waste someones time developing that when they can attempt to fix it instead. I mean, seems to make more sense no?

    Its nothing to be developed just 3 lines of code
    Thats why its easier because i doubt it took all this time for a simple issue

    You crack on then pal.

    @Blade has been dealing with most things racing. How likely is it that the flag will be getting fixed? I know you said its GetaGrips script so I'm guessing it could be more difficult to fix someone else's coding?

  3. @Ardron said in [SUGGESTION]Squads raid:

    Edit: More of a system as people suggested below: a gang chooses a property that squads can raid, a drug lab, weapons storage, etc, and there would be certain requirements to be able to raid it, like a limit of 2 raids per day, minimum number of gang members spawned, etc, like a bank rob reversed as @Jay mentioned

    I've changed my vote to yes based on this, not the original idea mens

  4. No. As Joe mentioned this is essentially gang robs of the past and whilst they were fun for a little while it started to drive gangs apart and caused more issues than any form of actual fun.
    A base is also supposed to be an area where you should be mainly free from this sort of stuff, almost like a safe zone and an area to chill.

    I like the general idea though. Maybe if each level 4 or 5 gang could create their own property/warehouse that cops could attack and criminals would have to go and stop them. Essentially bank robs reversed. Could also have a cool down timer and require X amount of gang members to be spawned, much like the BR system.

  5. @Bone said in Use of exploits reminder:

    @Billionaire said in Use of exploits reminder:

    @Gengar said in Use of exploits reminder:

    Thanks for publicly shaming me. I get it that you wanted me out of the clan and I normally wouldn't even bother posting anything regarding that, I'd just move on with my game and have fun with my friends. But there was no reason whatsoever to shame me like this in front of entire community and that irritated me enough to make this post. Just for the record, I did not try to assist anyone to cover up anything. You have screenshot of the chat, you can clearly see that I advised person involved to cooperate with you guys. The fact that SAES HQ team is twisting everything to suit their own needs is different story. It's no secret that they wanted me out of the clan for quite some time, taking away every bit of access I had with some bullshit excuses with every chance they got. Good for you that you finally found some justification to remove me completely. This announcement alone shows how eager you were. When was the last time you announced clan members who were removed with reasons of their removal? You had people removed from clan because they were deliberately deleting reports of their friends without solving them and none announced anything about that. You had people removed from clan because SAES HQ team has access to read their forum private messages in which, apparently, they were stating their disagreements with some actions from the clan, none ever made announcement regarding that. Let's not mention clan members who were selling benefits on SAES to players for couple of PayPal bucks and some Steam items. And many others who were removed along the way in the past 7 years that I'm here. None ever announced publicly anything about any of them. But hey, let's just shame Gengar and let's ban people. Not only the ones who are abusing (completely fair ban when it comes to them), but also the ones who were just given money from abusers. Since when is it a crime to be on the receiving end of /give command? If you approached the player and asked him to hand you over the money because it came from bug abuse, he would have given it to you without any objection. But no, let's just ban and shame people. Fact that ~[Bone takes money from abusers himself and uses it to sponsor his own events and even buy some fancy properties is no big deal around here. And let's not forget that NanoBob built his own program which automatically inputs numbers for cracking safes in bank robs and gang robs and not only uses it around whenever he likes it, but also distributes it to some other clan members for their own usage. There were times when he was leading his own gang and abusing his access to restart banks in order to use his program, doing a lot more then just 2 bank robs per day]~(red) and yet none ever did anything about it. I guess rules everyone has to follow don't apply once you reach position of SAES HQ.

    Damn this is some inside story which i would like to forward to our only remaining two most trusted SAES HQ ever
    @Brophy @Ronseal

    disappointed for not mentioning @Tombaa :'(

    disappointed for not mentioning me after I /give you $500mil in exploited Captain money...

  6. "Don't abuse other players excessively"

    doesn't abuse players
    does nothing excessively

    "oMg JoE wHy YoU hAvE tO bE rAcIsT tO mE?!?"

    It's a joke boys and girls, I don't understand why the vast majority of players here are such babies now. I wish calling people "filthy sand niggers", or "highly explosive muslims", or "sweaty fanny fat cunt ass bitch who is probably a man anyways ( @Brooklyn )" and those very people joining in and just insulting me back.



  7. @Cappo Works both ways.

    Besides, we had it like this for years and it caused no issues, the change in blips was a random update by Brophy (?) Kasimir which no one asked for, it just happened. I personally prefer blips to be always on, perhaps somehow keep the radar to close proximity because that was the only annoying thing, not being able to see everything else on your radar because of player blip spam.
    I think it helps with the multiplayer aspect because you can drive around aimlessly at the moment not finding anyone to interact with. Where as if blips are always on then you know where to travel to.
    Plus i low key miss seeing 15 laggy blips as everyone is grabbing onto a heli making their way to a bank.

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