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Posts posted by WenDo

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    One morning, at the start of the morning shift of WenDo and MarksMan. They have token a coffee and waited for tasks. WenDo received a call from a customer, He said that his car didnt started and that he has token his wifes vehicle to go to the work that day, but he needed the car for the next days. So WenDo and MarksMan entered into the DFT-30 and drove to the customer. He has left the vehicle keys in the car, so they can tow the vehicle to the Cuban Cars Garage and fix it. They towed the car with the DFT-30 to the Cuban Cars Garage and pushed it onto the car lift and lifted it up. They checked the engine from down maybe the customer drove over a big rock and did a hole into the oil reservoir. Everything was okay from the bottom side. They lifted it down and checked from up. They saw that the spark plugs are broken. So they replaced the spark plugs and started the vehicle, checked for other possible errors and brought the car back to the customer. MarksMan drove behind WenDo to the customer to pick him up, after the delivery they drove back to the Cuban Cars Garage and waited there for next task.



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  2. Nickname: WenDo

    Account name: trymebitch

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Country: Germany

    Languages: English, German and the Balkan Languages

    How long have you been playing SAES: I'm playing SAES since 2011.

    How long have you been playing MTA: I'm playing MTA since 2011.

    How would you rate your activity on forums and ingame: I would rate my activity very high. I'm daily minimum 3-4hours active and up to 10hours, and checking the forums during the playing.

    Rate your RP skills and explain with details about it: I would rate my skills as good, I like to RP with a good story behind it. and to do the anims etc and act like in real life.

    Explain what is [4x4] role: 4x4's role is to drive around SA with the SUV's with AWD and their favourite locations are Whetstone, Red Country and Tierra Robada

    Current memberships: Special Task Force[Squad], Cunning Stunts HQ[Group], The Motor Heads[Group]

    Rate your English skills : 7-8/10
    Rate your Map Knowledge skills: 10/10
    Rate your driving skills: 9/10
    Rate your Teamwork skills: 9/10

    Previous bans: Yes, About making multi acc, because i've forgot password...

    Why do you think you're suitable for this sort of group: Because i'm really good at driving and good in teamworking. I love driving SUV's.

    Strengths: Driving, Roleplaying and Teamworking.

    Weaknesses: nothing found yet.

    Reason for application: Because I like the Group Role and i think i would have much fun in it.

    Are you active on Discord: Yes, I am.

    Additional Information: n/a

    post an offroad vehicle to be considered( in spoiler)


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    One day, as Cuban Carss Car shop in San Fierro received the new models of many car brands. They decide to do announcements and some adverts to get some new customers and sell more vehicles. After the adverts many customers visited the car shop and one of them was Mr.Rubik as he entered the shop. The Salesman WenDo asked him if he needs some help and if he can show him the newest models. After showing some of the new models Rubik decide to get more details about the Jester. WenDo told him some of the new features and the engine types. Rubik saw the interior and he wanted to take a look at the engine. WenDo took the keys from his table and took another Jester which was in the garages. Rubik took a look at the engine and the other features. He decides to Test Drive it. WenDo pleased him to get inside to fill some papers before he can test the car. After they did the paper work Rubik and WenDo gone for a test drive. Rubik fell in love with the car and wanted to order one. WenDo asked him which features he wants and the other premium modifications that are made by Cuban Cars. He ordered a Jester with the 5.0 litres V8 engine which will be modified by Cuban Cars from 385horsepowers to 500horsepowers, he chose the dark green colour for the chassis and different rims than the original one. WenDo did the paper work and let him signature it. Told him that the car delivery takes up to two days and the modification by Cuban Cars around one day and that he will call him when the car is done and ready for pickup. Rubik said goodbye and left the shop.



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