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Posts posted by Rainy

  1. alt text

    ^[Event type: LMS ]
    ^[LWS: @Colo ]
    ^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
    ^[Winners: @Cheer ]
    ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3vedyil]


    ^[Event type: LMS]
    ^[LWS: @Bisollini ]
    ^[Winners: 2.000.000$ ]
    ^[Prize: @doom ]
    ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GpCsBin]


    ^[Event type: Fallout ]
    ^[LWS: @Bisollini ]
    ^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
    ^[Winners: @ghostrider ]
    ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MLAzh8w]


    ^[Event type: Land on my bus]
    ^[LWS: @Bisollini ]
    ^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
    ^[Winners: @Rondaw]
    ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7F45uPt]


    ^[Event type: Knock Rainy off his NRG]
    ^[LWS: @Bisollini ]
    ^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
    ^[Winners: @yami ]
    ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yO1jLnk]


    ^[Event type: Lucky nade]
    ^[LWS: @Bisollini ]
    ^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
    ^[Winners: @Kodigo ]
    ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mbvm8L4]


  2. Hola @staylok


    Dear @schwaring

    Already accepted and invited. Welcome to Z !


    Hi @Rinz

    No ty. Try again 2025.


    Hello @ZeCabra

    Already accepted and invited. Welcome to Z !


    Dear @Fatroucha

    Thank you for your interests in joining Organization Zero, however the majority of the votes wasn't in your favor. Try again in 2 weeks. Good luck !


    Hi @cena

    Already accepted and invited. Welcome to Z !


    Organization Zero HQ team

  3. Your ingame username: pronigga
    Your ingame alias: Rainy
    Your year of birth: 18.11.1999
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Croatian
    Country of residence: Croatia

    How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing since 2018.
    Qualities you can offer:
    Well, the first quality I can offer is my activity, I play daily at least 4-5 hours on the server. Same goes with the forum, I try to log in a few times per day just to check the news. Secondly, I'm a very friendly and mature guy, I enjoy helping others and new players whenever I get the opportunity to do so, even though I'm not really that active in SAES discord. Thirdly, my overall experience in the server, I spent around 4 years on SAES and during that time I have learned a lot from the rules to some random stuff. Moreover, I'm a very honest and loyal person in real life and in-game, I think loyalty is the key to success. Lastly, Im a determined guy, I like challenges and Im very persistent until I pass a certain task or a problem.

    Your weaknesses:
    Tendency to take on too much responsibility: As a responsible person I tend to take on more work to help others out. I'll always get the job done no matter how much is on my plate, but it can sometimes leave me feeling overwhelmed.

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

    Reason for application: Well to be honest I thought about applying back in the days but I gave up. Anyways back to the subject why did I apply, well I believe my activity on the server and my general experience could help players so here Im writing this application and hoping for the best.

    Server Memberships:

    • Organization Zero - HQ

    • CLO - Recruta

    • ALT - Trucker

    • CC - Impounder

    • rTECH - Professional racer

    • OB - Spec ops

    Additional information: Hello everyone, my name is Kristian. I'm living in Croatia in a beautiful city named Zagreb. I like to spend my free time outside or next to the computer. I finished high school and I have started working immediately although I had some plans to go to college, who knows maybe I can get the opportunity to continue my studies in the near future. Also, I enjoy travelling and I'd like to travel across the world since it's my childhood dream.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: If I remember correctly there was maybe 1 adminjail back in 2018. I think it was because I killed someone in the marker while I was in a bank rob.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A

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