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Posts posted by Bozi

  1. Hello community, Hello friends! It's time to say goodbye after a long time on SAES.I really enjoyed the time playing on this server.I made a lot of friendships, i've argued with a lot of people and I would like to ask for forgiveness to these people. In the end, I would like to wish you, as the year is coming to the end, to have a pretty good year.I'm always available on discord If you guys need something.Have a great time on SAES and take care.

    @Riley @Flex @Scorpyo @Ramby <3

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    Roleplay type: Injured Farmer
    Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): We got a call from a farmer at Flint county.He fell down a ladder and couldn't move.I responded to that farm and saw an old farmer laying nearby the ladder.Immediately via my med kit, I administrated analgesics via injection however it was still painful.His stats were good though, lungs and chest were looking fine from an external view.He could breathe easily, no oxygen mask needed.I applied a C-Colar around his neck, brought the stretcher and lay him on it slowly.I transported him to Los Santos Saint Hospital for further examinations.
    Location: Flint County
    Participants: Skinner
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YYDoOEm

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    Roleplay type: Injured Hiker
    Description of roleplay: It was a quiet evening when we got dispatched by the dispatch for a call at Mountain Chilliad.A young hiker fell down and all we knew were that he may have only a broken leg.I responded as fast as possible as he was alone with possible serious injuries alone.When I arrived to the location, I saw him with a squadbike nearby.He managed to drive with it even if his leg was seriously injured.I checked everything on him just in case of the attitude mountain has.Firstly, I stopped the bleeding from the leg.Then, I put slowly a plaster on it.Leg was fine after that.Then, typically some check ups. Oximeter showed a 80% oxygen and 130 pulses.Blood pressure 14/9.After the check ups, I transported him to the nearest hospital, San Fierro's.
    Location: Whetstone
    Participants: Skinner
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MfwS97d

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